Business Services/Retention

Chair: Michael Gialluly, Pacific Premier Bank

The Business Retention Committee was established to create a line of communication and a relationship with businesses within the City as well as a way to identify business needs, make recommendations, and resolve city concerns. The Business Retention Committee is composed of members of the City of Ontario Economic Development Agency, the Greater Ontario Business Council as well as local business representatives. The Committee’s mission is to identify existing business needs and opportunities and respond by assisting the business to grow and/or prevent downsizing or relocation. Their focus is on business retention through one-on-one company visits and targeted follow-up.

Pacific Premier Bank

Economic Development/ Legislative Advocacy

This committee monitors and addresses issues that affect the climate for economic, business, industrial, and civic growth, and identifies areas of concern. Committee members assist companies with business challenges, planning and permitting questions, and facilitate interactions between business and government. They evaluate processes for licensing, permits and zoning, and affect changes as needed. The committee reviews information that affects businesses and keeps Business Council members informed about key public issues as they arise. Other duties include identifying existing businesses with ongoing needs in workforce development, facility, capital and infrastructure, and assisting City of Ontario efforts to recruit targeted businesses that provide quality employment and increased incomes.

